Word: soupçon
Pronunciation: \süp-ˈsōⁿ, ˈsüp-ˌsän\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, literally, suspicion, from Old French
sospeçon, from Latin
suspection-, suspectio, from Latin
suspicere to suspect
Date: 1766
Definition: a little bit
: trace
You sometimes hear this word uttered by food or wine critics as they dissect and analyze a dish or bottle, trying to identify every last flavor or aroma. It's a fun little word, but I find it is seldom used in common parlance amongst the likes of my peers unless someone is looking for a laugh by pretending to put on airs. I guess you could say it's not a word you ever hear coming out of the mouth of your average Joe Six-Pack. If that means using it makes me less like Palin, I believe I might have to start making it a part of my everyday vernacular.
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