Monday, January 12, 2009

Meatless Monday: Butternut Squash Gratin with Blue Cheese & Sage

WARNING: This is yet another Meatless Monday post about squash. . . . Hey, if I'm going to have an addiction, at least it's a healthy one - I don't have to feel guilty about eating it to my heart's content and I also don't have to feel guilty about getting you hooked. Oh, and you will be hooked after you try this next recipe. HEV-UN!

Butternut Squash Gratin with Blue Cheese & Sage

And I thought squash with goat cheese was good! This makes an amazing side dish and works well as leftovers (provided you reheat it in a conventional oven - the bread crumbs lose something in the microwave).

Got any favorite vegetarian or vegan recipes?? Please share!

Other Meatless Monday posts

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